Ukraine: Offer housing for refugees
Many refugees from Ukraine are currently arriving in Germany and are experiencing a great willingness to help: many landlords, owners and tenants would like to make their living space available. But there are a few things to consider.
Ukraine: Offer housing for refugees
Many refugees from Ukraine are currently arriving in Germany and are experiencing a great willingness to help: many landlords, owners and tenants would like to make their living space available. But there are a few things to consider.
Ukraine: Offer housing for refugees
Many refugees from Ukraine are currently arriving in Germany and are experiencing a great willingness to help: many landlords, owners and tenants would like to make their living space available. But there are a few things to consider.
Offer housing
Anyone who has housing to offer and would like to take in refugees can offer this via various internet portals or at the responsible local authority. In principle, tenants are allowed to take in people for a short period of time (permission-free visits), after which they must ask for permission. However, it is advisable to discuss the admission in advance in order to avoid problems.
Private individuals who take in refugees are currently not receiving any financial support. Therefore, higher ancillary costs should be planned for. The extent to which the guests are responsible for their own living or whether they are applying for financial support such as social assistance should also be clarified. In some cases, it makes sense to arrange a sublease agreement with the refugees.
Contact points and legal matters
There are numerous organizations on the Internet that work with the providing information, arranging interpreters and much more. In Berlin, numerous doctors treat the refugees free of charge; in the event of a medical emergency, care is guaranteed throughout Germany. Ergo Versicherung offers free liability insurance for refugees if they accidentally cause damage to their hosts.