Federal Council decides to reform the rent index
Rent index are the main instrument for determining the local comparative rent.
Federal Council decides to reform the rent index
Rent index are the main instrument for determining the local comparative rent.
Federal Council decides to reform the rent index
"Simple" or qualified rent index possible
Rent indexes are the most important instrument for determining the local comparative rent. They serve landlords to justify rent increases and to determine the permissible rent in the event of re-letting within the scope of the rental price brake. In the past there were often legal disputes about the informative value of rent indexes, for example as a result of rent increases. In future, uniform specifications will be made for the creation of qualified rent index. The new rent index ordinance defines minimum standards in order to reflect the local comparative rent in a legally secure and reliable manner. These qualified rent indexes can no longer easily be called into question by the courts - from a legal point of view it is then assumed that they were drawn up according to recognized scientific principles. Municipalities that are creating a rent index for the first time must submit and publish it by January 1, 2023 at the latest. If a qualified rent index is created, it must be created and published by January 1, 2024 at the latest. As before, rent indexes are to be adjusted to market developments after two years, and qualified rent indexes are to be drawn up again after four years.
Introduction of an obligation to provide information
So far, the data for compiling the rent index has been collected every two years through voluntary surveys. In future, however, tenants and landlords are obliged to provide information about their tenancy and the characteristics of their apartment. Violations can be punished with a fine.